HashiCorp Vault with Kubernetes and Spring boot

HashiCorp Vault with Kubernetes and Spring boot

In this article, we'll install the Hashicorp Vault in the Kubernetes cluster and access the same with the spring boot application. In the last article, we installed a Hashicorp vault on a windows machine and integrated it with the spring boot application. Here we will install it in Kubernetes and use the same spring boot application for the demo.


  • JDK
  • Maven
  • Docker
  • Minikube or Kubernetes cluster
  • Basic knowledge of Java, Spring boot, docker, and Kubernetes

Install Helm

  • Helm charts help to define, install, update and manage the Kubernetes applications. So it would be better if we install a vault with the help of helm charts. Follow the below steps to install helm.
  • Download Helm binary from Helm Release
  • Extract it to any directory
  • Set path variable
  • Run the below command to verify the installation
       helm version

Install Vault

  • Create a Kubernetes namespace for the vault so we can manage it easily.

      kubectl create namespace vault
  • Add helm vault repository.

      helm repo add HashiCorp https://helm.releases.hashicorp.com
  • Verify the helm HashiCorp repository before vault installation. As shown in the image, we have a repository so we can start vault installation.

     helm search repo hashicorp/vault
  • helm-1.png

  • Install vault

      helm install vault hashicorp/vault -n=vault
  • vault-installation.png

  • As shown in the below image pod has been created but it will not be in a ready state. To move the pod to the ready state, we need to initialize the pod and unseal the authentication key.

      kubectl get pods -n=vault
  • vault-pod-check.png

  • Check the status of the pod. As shown, the below image pod has not been initialized and unsealed.

      kubectl exec -n=vault -it vault-0 -- vault status
  • vault-status.png

  • Initialize the pod. When we initialize the pod, it will display a list of the unseal key and root token. Save it somewhere we will use it in later steps.

      kubectl exec -n=vault -it vault-0 -- vault operator init
  • vault-init.png

  • Check status after initializing vault. As shown in below image now pod has been initialized but still its sealed. To unseal the pod, we need to unseal three(Threshold) authentication keys.

  • status-again.png

  • Unseal key. It will ask for unseal key that we have saved from the above steps.

      kubectl exec -n=vault -it vault-0 -- vault operator unseal
  • Status after unseal first key. From the below image we can see that one key is unseald from three. so we need to run unseal command two more times.

  • status-after-unseal.png

  • Pod status after unsealing three keys. As you can see, from the below image, now the pod is in a ready state, so we can store and retire secrets from the same.

  • vault-final-staus-ready.png

Connect to vault

  • Get into the vault pod

      kubectl exec -n=vault --stdin=true --tty=true vault-0 -- /bin/sh
  • Login into the vault. It will ask for a root token that we saved in the above step.

      vault login
  • As we are trying to store secrets on the secret path so we need to enable the same.

      vault secrets enable -path=secret kv-v2
  • Add secret to the vault

      vault kv put secret/springdemo username=uname password=pwd
  • vault-set.png

  • Get secret from the vault

      vault kv get secret/springdemo
  • vault-get.png

Expose pod outside the Kubernetes cluster

  • Expose pod by port-forwarding

       kubectl port-forward vault-0 8200:8200 -n=vault
  • vault-service-forwarding.png

  • Check exposed pod via browser

  • 7.png

Connect to vault with spring boot application

  • Here we'll use same spring boot application that we have created as part of the last article
  • Replace vault token in the application.properties
  • Start the spring boot application
  • Test /fetch endpoint

  • 9.png